Lucid Absinthe Valentine CocktailsIt doesn’t matter whether the man sharing bed space has been in a woman’s life for a week, a month or years; she still wants to know what goes on inside his head.  No matter how much chatter goes on in the kitchen, living room or cocktail bar the real burning question women want to know is ‘do these jeans make me look fat?’  All kidding aside, everyone has insecurities as well as desire to fulfill fantasies.  The only way to appease the apprehension of what a man might be thinking is to ask.  Judy Dutton, writer for, did exactly that.  Judy cut right to the chase and got to the heart of the matter by asking men what they really think about during sex.  This insight into what men think will have anyone primed for a steamy evening for two.

New Beau

1-1/2 ounce Lucid Absinthe

1/2 ounce Simple Syrup

Club soda

Cucumber wheels

Kiwi fruit


Place two cucumber wheels, two peeled kiwi wheels and simple syrup in bottom of double rocks glass.  Muddle.  Add ice and Lucid Absinthe.  Top with club soda.  Garnish with unpeeled kiwi wheel on rim of glass.

The Lucid Garden utilizes fresh fruit and vegetable flavors bringing youthful freshness to your romantic cocktail hour.  Lucid Absinthe is the spirit brand responsible for bringing Absinthe back to the United States in 2007 after a lengthy ban on Absinthe. 

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Thinking About a Fresh New Beau
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