Ponce de Leon classic cocktail with rum and champagnePonce de Leon could definitely be described as vintage, classic or totally retro, but the cocktail is far from it. The man sailed rough seas with Christopher Columbus in search of a new world.  The cocktail brings sipping satisfaction in the dawning of a new age. The goal is balance of flavor.  Ponce de Leon delivers. Though there are a few variations on this cocktail, this one tempts the palate with its multi-layering of light and dark spirits.

Ponce de Leon

1 ounce Cognac

1/2 ounce Rum

1/2 ounce Premium Orange Liqueur

1/2 ounce Grapefruit Juice

1 ounce Brut Champagne

Combine cognac, rum liqueur and juice in cocktail shaker with ice. Shake to blend and chill. Strain into champagne saucer or cocktail glass. Top with champagne. Stir gently. Lovely round, lush sweetness without being overly sugary.  Faint hint of grapefruit bitter in the finality, bringing the flavors together in perfect harmony.  That is before the champagne topper!  Champagne adds more sweetness and thins the cocktail out a little more.

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Cheri Loughlin is the Omaha writer and photographer behind www.intoxicologist.net. Email Cheri with comments and questions at str8upcocktails at gmail.com.

Ponce de Leon Cocktail
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