South Beach Tea is a simple flavored Three Olives Mango vodka, tea, and soda kind of drink. Three simple ingredients and your besties is all you need for a fun evening.Three Olives Vodka recipes provided by brand representatives. All photos and comments are my own unless otherwise stated.

A quick read of the cocktail name, South Beach Tea, and you might be thinking this is a version of the Long Island Iced Tea. But it is not. This really is just a simple flavored vodka, tea, and soda kind of drink. It’s easy to make with three simple ingredients.

Three Olives Mango Vodka is bottled at 35% alcohol by volume (70 proof)

Retails for approximately $15 to $20 depending on your locale

“A magnificent blend of imported English vodka and the juicy, natural taste of sun-drenched mangos.” – quoted from Three Olives Vodka website

South Beach Tea Recipe

South Beach Tea

2 ounces Three Olives Mango Vodka

4 ounces Sweetened Iced Tea

2 ounces Lemon-lime Soda (Sprite or 7-Up)

Lemon Wedge Garnish

Fill a tall glass with ice. Add liquid ingredients in the order given. Stir briefly. Garnish with lemon wedge if desired.

Three Olives Flavored Vodkas

Three Olives strives to make quality vodka with quality ingredients without pretention. As is evident on many liquor store shelves, there are a plethora of Three Olives Vodka flavors. You’ve probably heard of Loopy, Whipped Cream, Bubble, Root Beer, and Dude to name a few. You may have even formed an opinion about them from the names alone. At a glance flavors such as these might seem juvenile or geared toward the youngest drinkers.

Take another look though. Some of the flavors might not make it to your top ten or even top one hundred list, but they are popular. These flavors are shot friendly, cola friendly, mixer friendly flavors created to celebrate moments and experiences in life. My guess is there isn’t much call for a straight up Whipped Cream Martini or Loopy Old Fashioned. What they are is plain fun.

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All content ©2016 Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist. All Rights Reserved. Chat with Cheri @Intoxicologist on Twitter and

Cheri Loughlin is the Omaha writer and photographer behind and author of Cocktails with a Tryst: An Affair with Mixology and Seduction. You can email Cheri with comments and questions at

South Beach Tea