It was The Macallan’s first night ever of Twitter tasting and mine, too. Virtually speaking it is way better to experience flavor than simply hear about it or read tweets for that matter, so huge “Thank You” to Elise at MBooth (@elisehelene) for the invite and all the special arrangements for the night. While many dined on the exquisitely prepared meal by Chef Ed Brown a few of us were fortunate to taste along at home and glean valuable information about The Macallan from the East Coast Brand Ambassador, Graeme Russell (@LivingTheDram).
There simply is no telling what Twitter (or Scotch for that matter) will cause one to say:
- This particular tweet caused quite a laugh at my home and retweeting ensued from other tasting participants. And why not? From @DBTH: Deep thougths: Sometime when I drink scotch I think of running naked through the fields of scottland but I’m smart and don’t
- @JerseyTodd: I hope we get ‘goody bags’
No Twittering at the table? I don’t think so.
- @ChefMark: I’m used to clandestinely tweeting during these events, not sure how I feel about them showing twitter on the wall !! #macallan
- @NyBarfly: #macallan- is there such thing as public twitter anxiety?
- @halw: #macallan Okay this is like a highschool twitter reunion with amazing drinks!!!
- @NyBarfly: #macallan What is the 1780’s version of a twitter tasting? carrier pigeon sipping?
However, there is a tradeoff for tasting and dining when not at home:
- @woodlandalyssa: my feet hurt but when you drink #macallan, you have to be fancy and wear high heels. those are the rules!
- But that didn’t stop @livethelushlife – @intoxicologist in my 5″ heels and 7 whiskeys deep. ;)
— Way to go!
There were ‘tsk tsk’ remarks:
- @WhiskyParty: Lots of people are not finishing their glasses. WTF? #Macallan
- @buckybit: @MaryRambin ICE on a SCOTCH! omg! omg! omg! Only pure best of all waters, but never, NEVER ice-cubes. Sin! even w cheap scotch :-)
- @lizEATS: @buckybit piss off. It’s to your taste and it’s delicious #macallan
- @skidder: @buckybit you are currently being take down by the #Macallan scotch ambassador. Behold: the ice sphere!
Main Event: Tasting The Macallan
Fine Oak 10
- The Intoxicologist: Floral, fruity (but not dried fruit), slightly juicy, thin in viscosity.
- Mystery Taster: Light honeyed heather, soft smoke
Sherry Oak 12
- The Intoxicologist: Warmer than the Fine Oak 10, caramel tones, possibly some fig, thicker in feel. Delightful every day Scotch. Love the rich color in this one.
- Mystery Taster: Scent of fig, leather in the back with a round taste, sweetish, mildly fruity, very well balanced, good body.
- @corkangel76: 12 Sherry Oak, nuances of butterscotch , medium toasted oak, supple and soft,
- @adamhirsch: I concur with @woodlandalyssa: holy shnikeys, #Macallan 12 is strong!!!
- @corkangel76: as the #Macallan 12 yr sherry oak changes temperature, more and more subtle delcious nuances come out… Taste Bud Orgasm!!! :o
Fine Oak 15
- @ChefMark: Tasting 15 yr on it’s own with no food. More texture & “heat” than the 10 year. A little vanilla, floral
- @woodlandalyssa: i smell flowers. @tom_Schuyler smells tangerine and toffee
- @halw: The #Macallan Fine Oak 15 -Nice Nose/Aroma. Smooth, slight notes of caramel.
- @JerseyTodd: 15 Yr. old oak smells nice…very warming…almost thick…
- @intoxicologist: #Macallan Fine Oak 15 – sweeter than Sherry Oak 12, fresh fruity flavor, perhaps pineapple, light fresh feel, sharper, defined, some oak
- @sallymak26: tangerine, green apple, jasmine? why am i not drinking #Macallan with lunch??!!
- @mrinklin: Macallan 15 tastes like a warm carmelized toffee
- @LivingTheDram: heat, spice comes from Spanish sherry casks /EM
- @LivingTheDram: Fine Oak is a “lighter style of Macallan” as opposed to the Sherry Oak 12 and 18 /EM
- @ChefMark: http://twitpic.com/72ycr – Hamachi crudo with yuzu & Ginger paired with 15 yr scotch
- @LivingTheDram: Suggestion from Graeme: add a splash of water to the 15 for the perfect pairing with hamachi /EM
- @always_eating: First pairing is great, hamachi brings a citrus, peppery taste and pairs well with the somewhat sweet scotch
- @astorwines: Hamachi, lemongrass, yuzu with the #Macallan 15 year. The citrusy vanilla notes of the whiskey accentuate the flavor, acidity cuts the fat
Fine Oak 17
- Mystery Taster: A bit of seashore scent, very nicely smoky flavor
- @intoxicologist: Fine Oak 17 – Smoky, rich, full of flavor. Robust. Lots of body. Slight vanilla tone. I would definitely not put water in it.
- @WhiskyParty: #Macallan fine oak 17. Creamier. Some Mellon. Far less heat.
- @seannacher: 17 – definite floral tones come through. Great with the ribeye and marmalada
- @alexanderbasek: So leathery!
- @ChefMark: 17 yr fine oak #Macallan Scotch paired with rib eye. maple notes. Smoother, more caramel, less tannic
- @adamhirsch: We have a winner #Macallan 17 is smooth, slightly spicy. Scotch Twitter Tasting more dangerous than I thought. No spit buckets.
- @sallymak26: tom say of #Macallan fo 17 – vanilla and cinnamonly goodness!
- @livethelushlife: Can’t decide what’s better the food or the #Macallan. Ok, not really. I’d take the #macallan any day. http://twitpic.com/72zlg
- @always_eating: On to the 17 year fine oak, tasting a bit of citrus and something floral. Very nice.
- @lizEATS: if only the dead cow could have tasted the scotch, he would have realized it was worth it via @nybarfly here here!
- @LivingTheDram: smokey element of 17 comes from whisky aged in heavily charred american bourbon casks. Graeme’s “second-fav” whisky/ EM
- @halw: #Macallan Fine Oak 17-Brilliant!! Smokey, notes of vanilla
Fine Oak 21
- @livethelushlife: The 21 year #Macallan was so tasty that I finished before getting a picture. I’m apparently the only one finished.http://twitpic.com/731p5
- @trebo22: Macallan 21 will take the paint off the walls!
- @ChefMark: The 21 yr old has a nice smoky finish. They paired it with an asparagus flan. Great dish, but doesn’t match the Scotch as well.
- @ekeyNYC: I just dropped an ice cube in my 21 year, hoping the brand guy does not slap me. I’d take it like a man.
Sherry Oak 18
- Mystery Taster: Scent is cherry-ish, nutty with nectarine in the back. Tastes of warm oakiness with a touch of wine.
- @corkangel76: The 18yr sherry oak is smoky toasty carmelized oaky soft vanillin with a touch of applewood. So good… I need a rag.
- @LivingTheDram: The Macallan 18 sums up everything the distillery does well; sipping 18 on golf course was Graeme’s best Scotch moment. /EM
- @alexanderbasek: Macallan 18: the Sugar Ray Robinson of whiskeys. (Pound for pound, the best)
- @LivingTheDram: The Macallan 18 paired with S’mores…Chef Ed is a genius. /EM
The Macallan Learning Curve
- @LivingTheDram: American bourbon makers can only use a cask a SINGLE time…Scots buy them to make whisky. /EM
- @LivingTheDram: first: select the best Oak trees. Then: give made casks to Spanish Sherry makers. Finally: Get them back and make Macallan /EM
- @LivingTheDram: The Macallan doesn’t use peat /EM
- @LivingTheDram: The Fundamental Rule: drink Scotch the way you like it…ice, water or neat! /EM
- @LivingTheDram: 15 is lighter style, easy drinking; 17 is more complex; 21 has rich smoothness /EM
- @LivingTheDram: Chef Ed: “One final note. Tweet this to the world: We encourage Scotch drinkers to come here–let us know and we’ll cook for you!”
- @LivingTheDram: Chef Ed: “this was as much as hobby as it was a test.”
- @LivingTheDram: demonstrating The Macallan ice ball machine to guests at eightyone…takes 15-20 seconds to make The Perfect Serve/ EM
The Macallan Fun Stuff
- @livethelushlife: The ice spheres at #Macallan are pretty badass. http://twitpic.com/72wcf
- @woodlandalyssa: the #Macallan 55 costs $14,000!!!
- @LivingTheDram: pace yourselves, everyone! The best is yet to come! /EM
- @DBTH: Ok people now you’re getting out of control. Sip don’t swig. Oh yeah 21 fine oak. Sup
- @corkangel76: oh #Macallan I love you so, your deliciousness always brightens a crappy day and makes me happy and relaxed. Marry me?
- @NyBarfly: @sallymak26 looks quite fetching in her dress. maybe its the scotch talking..
- @DBTH: Hey you in the hot dress, how bout them ice balls
- @sallymak26: @nybarfly thanks! you should see me in my zogsports get up! maybe i’ll switch to #Macallan after kickball games!
- @skidder: @sarahashley has no fewer then four different undrank #Macallan whiskies at her spot. @maryrambin didn’t you claim she was the expert?
- @NyBarfly: the big question of the night: who is the most tipsy at the table?
The Macallan is (and was) fantastic. Many thanks for including me in the tasting. My food at home didn’t pair as nicely as the chef’s food, but the company made up for it in spades!
All content ©2014 Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist. All Rights Reserved. Chat with Cheri @Intoxicologist on Twitter and facebook.com/Intoxicologist or str8upcocktails@gmail.com