Diamond Standard Vodka filtered through diamonds. But is it any better than the standard vodka sitting in your liquor cabinet right now?What has Diamond Standard Vodka got that other premium vodkas do not?  To begin with, an exorbitant price tag.  With a price point of $100 a bottle, Diamond Standard Vodka sets expectations high for the precious liquid retained within its designer bottle.  Setting a bar for others to follow or reach for begs for a taste test comparison.

Diamond Vodka provided by brand representatives. All photos and opinions are my own unless otherwise stated.

In my “official” tasting I compared Diamond Standard Vodka against Smirnoff Vodka ($15-$20) and Christiania Vodka ($30-$35).  Smirnoff is my mixer vodka of choice in cocktails that do not need a full bodied vodka.  Smirnoff is clean and crisp without any antiseptic smell or taste to it.  Christiania Vodka is an excellent straight up martini vodka that rounds out on the palate nicely.  It fills the taste buds and has substance to it.  Christiania is also fantastic for cocktails that need more body and less of a “thin” feel to them.

Diamond Standard Vodka filtered through diamonds. But is it any better than the standard vodka sitting in your liquor cabinet right now?My finding:

  • Smirnoff: Much thinner vodka than the Diamond Standard Vodka, but the taste is really not that far off.  Smirnoff is definitely not a straight up martini vodka as it does not carry the flavor or weight for one.
  • Christiania: Better flow over the taste buds and thicker feel than the Diamond Standard Vodka, however as a potato vodka this is expected.  The flavor is richer.
  • Diamond Standard Vodka: Smoother than Smirnoff.  No grain alcohol scent.  Much better than the Smirnoff, but not five times better.  There is definite floral flavor, but not flowery like one might think of lilacs, roses and lavender.  It is citrus and lilting.  This is pleasurable vodka.  It is also flexible in that it is excellent for straight up martinis and works well in cocktails.  Although, Diamond Standard does not have any cocktails listed on their website at the time of this review.

Since my official tasting I have had the opportunity to compare Diamond Standard Vodka against Grey Goose, The Tall Blond, Chopin and Belvedere.  Honestly, Diamond Standard Vodka nestles in among these.  If you can choose one of these vodkas as your favorite, it is a sure bet Diamond Standard Vodka will get lost among the vodka choices with the exception of their considerable price point.

Diamond Standard Vodka does intend to set itself apart from all other vodkas to be sure.  The packaging is impressive.  As I have said in previous writings, when scanning the aisles for new products beautiful bottles capture my attention first.  Diamond Standard Vodka’s Swarovski Crystal enhanced bottle is sure to grab the attention of many.  In today’s swamped vodka market, niche advertising is a necessity.

Keep Diamond Vodka in mind for National Jewel Day.

Diamond Standard Vodka filtered through diamonds. But is it any better than the standard vodka sitting in your liquor cabinet right now?Diamond Standard Vodka’s bottle is made from perfume grade glass with cutting-edge glassworks technology by the French Saverglass Company.  Each bottle is adorned with a 25mm Swarovski crystal, symbolic of the purity and brilliance of the Diamond Standard Vodka.  This Swarovski crystal possibly mimics the Diamond Filtration process that Diamond Standard Vodka uses to create their unique vodka.

Here is what their website says about Diamond Filtration:  “Our Diamond Filtered patented process is an industry first.  We utilize over six hundred cut diamonds of up to one carat in size to purify our vodka.  Our innovative process creates vodka with the silkiest and most subtle of palettes and is simply the most exquisite mass market vodka available anywhere.  Our filtration system took over three years to perfect.  Its yield is 750 carats of liquid elegance since each and every drop has been individually Kissed by Diamonds.”

My question about that is, what about Three Sixty Vodka?  In searching the internet trying find information about Diamond Filtration and how it helps in the filtration/distillation process, I came upon Three Sixty Vodka.  Three Sixty Vodka also claims or claimed to use a diamond filtration system.

“Diamond filtration is the name of an elaborate, unique filtration process. This process enables a filtration to 1.0 microns – conventional filters, on the other hand, filtrate only within a range between 30.0 and 15.0 microns. Through the harmonious combined effects of diamond dust and a 5-card filter, THREE SIXTY is brought to its finest fruition – the tiniest suspended particles are even removed from the distillate. THREE SIXTY, a luxury vodka of perfect purity, makes it easy for vodka connoisseurs to choose – they know the attention paid to detail in the manufacturing process and value this very highly.”-quoted from Miller Beer Germany, www.internationalbeveragenetwork.com

The site I found this on was last dated October of 2005.  This is clearly two and a half year ago.  Possibly the filtration system was not patented by Three Sixty Vodka or has been upgraded since then.  But, Diamond Filtration was obviously thought of before now.  In either case, the question still arises for this writer and dozens of readers that choose to comment all over the internet; What good does it do to filter vodka through diamonds?  How does it actually enhance the product to make it super premium and superior vodka?  Why is Diamond Standard Vodka worth or priced at $100 a bottle?  Is it the Diamond Filtration or the Swarovski crystal adorned perfume grade bottle?  Ironically enough, Three Sixty Vodka has a price point of $30, but with a much less flashy bottle.

I was impressed with Diamond Standard Vodka’s sleek website although, it is not as well rounded as one would like.  There is a more information than I have given about the vodka in general.  The Diamond Martini link is still not complete.  With Diamond Standard Vodka’s price point the Diamond Martini needs to be liquid perfection.  There are no other cocktail recipes on the site.  But again, with this price point, why drown the vodka in other flavors or mixers?

In my opinion, the price one is paying for Diamond Standard Vodka is not for the liquid that fills the bottle, but for the hype and glamour associated with purchasing it instead.  Diamond Standard Vodka’s tagged slogan encircling the neck of the bottle sums up the value held therein…“Fashion you can drink”.

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Cheri Loughlin is the Omaha writer and photographer behind www.intoxicologist.net. Email Cheri with comments and questions at str8upcocktails at gmail.com.

Diamond Vodka: Standard Vodka – Pricey Bottle
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