King Alphonse and Angel’s Tip are interesting cocktails. These drinks are classified as after dinner drinks. Each drink also has several minor recipe variations. Don’t just save these drinks for after dinner, though. They make great conversation starters and delicious dessert drinks. These layered drinks are also fun to make. So round up the ingredients and try your hand at cocktail layering techniques with someone special. It will definitely make date night fun!
Happy layering and sipping!
King Alphonse Drink Recipe Variations

King Alphonse
1 ounce Dark Crème de Cacao
1 ounce Lightly Whipped Unsweetened Heavy Cream
Place dark crème de cacao in bottom of pousse café glass or cordial glass. Lightly whip cream with whisk. Carefully layer cream over the top of cream de cacao by slowly pouring it over the back of a bar spoon. This version of the King Alphonse becomes an Angel’s Tip once cherry garnish is placed on top.
Other variations change the spelling to King Alfonse, vary the measurements and swap out crème de cacao for coffee liqueur.
King Alfonse
1-1/2 ounce Dark Crème de Cacao
1 ounce Heavy Cream
Place dark crème de cacao in bottom of pousse café glass or cordial glass. Carefully layer heavy cream over the top by slowly pouring it over the back of a bar spoon.
King Alphonse 2
2-1/2 ounces Coffee Liqueur
1/2 ounce Heavy Cream
Place dark coffee liqueur in bottom of pousse café glass or cordial glass. Carefully layer heavy cream over the top by slowly pouring it over the back of a bar spoon.
Angel’s Tip Drink Recipe Variations
I have seen Angel’s Tip referred to by many as an Angel’s Tit. The Old Mr. Boston cocktail recipe book lists this recipe as an Angel’s Tip. This recipe is the close cousin drink to the first recipe listed in this post.

Angel’s Tip
1 ounce Dark Crème de Cacao
1 ounce Heavy Cream
Cherry Garnish
Place dark crème de cacao in bottom of pousse cafe or cordial glass. Carefully layer heavy cream over the top by slowly pouring over the back of a bar spoon. Garnish with skewered cherry placed over the top of the drink.
Reduce the amounts to 1/2 ounce each in this after dinner drink and you will keep this dessert style drink to 98 calories. Have your dessert and sip it too!
This is where the Angel’s Tip recipes and names get a little more fun and interesting! This is the Angel’s Tit cocktail that is often confused with the recipe above.
Angel’s Tit
1/4 ounce White Crème de Cacao – chilled
1/4 ounce Cherry Liqueur – chilled
1/4 ounce Half & Half – chilled
Maraschino Cherry Garnish
Place chilled cream de cacao in shot or cordial glass. Carefully layer cherry liqueur on top of cream de cacao by slowly pouring it over the back of a bar spoon. Finish by layering half and half over the top in the same manner. Top with skewered cherry placed over the top.
Old Mr. Boston also has another lovely angel cocktail called the Angel’s Kiss. The book does not specify dark or white crème de cacao. I have seen both in researching this recipe. Since this is the bottom layer with darker layer just above it, white crème de cacao might be nice for visual appeal.
Angel’s Kiss
1/4 ounce Cream de Cacao – chilled
1/4 ounce Crème Yvette – chilled
1/4 ounce Brandy – chilled
1/4 ounce Sweet Cream – chilled
Place crème de cacao in bottom of pousse café or cordial glass. Carefully layer Crème Yvette on top by slowly pouring it over the back of a bar spoon on top of first layer. Layer brandy on top of Crème Yvette in same manner. Finish by layering sweet cream on top of brandy.
All content ©2014 Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist. All Rights Reserved. Chat with Cheri @Intoxicologist on Twitter and facebook.com/Intoxicologist or str8upcocktails@gmail.com