“Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” was a favorite summertime tune in August 1960. That summer it hit the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Teens and adults have hummed that tune for years in anticipation of summer. An itty bitty yellow bikini, sandy seashores, flip flops and warm sunshine define summer fun at its finest.
Three Olives Vodka also characterizes summer cocktail fun with its wide variety of energetic flavors. Mango, Grape, Cherry, Root Beer and Bubble are a few of the varieties that started the enthusiastic drink mixing trend. The Three-O approach seems to be more about the experience with friends, enjoying the moment, pure entertainment and loving the atmosphere. Because let’s face it; Root Beer and Bubble flavored vodka are not rocket science cocktail mixers. But consumers have gone wild for these flavors. If you ask me, there is a time and place for everything. There is definitely a time and place for enjoying fun, free spirited drinks.
Three Olives Vodka flavors are easy for deck and poolside entertaining. The flavors make easy two and three ingredient cocktails a breeze. Their recipes keep entertaining simple with a handful of ingredients and simple measure and pour directions. Uncomplicated fruit garnishes make the drink trouble free and beautiful to serve.
Make your summertime entertaining relaxing and enjoyable. Keep these twelve easy summer cocktail recipes from Three Olives Vodka in mind while you contemplate what “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” you’ll wear to the next pool party.
12 Three Olives Vodka Summer Drinks

Rock Star Root Beer
1 ounce Three Olives Root Beer Vodka
1 ounce Three Olives Vanilla Vodka
4 ounces Ginger Ale
Cherry Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add ingredients in the order given. Stir briefly. Garnish with cherry.
Low Calorie Bikini Tip: Replace regular ginger ale with a lower calorie ginger ale. Canada Dry 10 Ginger Ale is one product on the market that is lower in calorie and readily available.
The Stiletto
2 ounces Three-O Berry Vodka
4 ounces Tonic Water
Splash Grenadine
Orange Slice Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add vodka and tonic water. Stir briefly. Top with float of grenadine. Garnish with orange slice.
Low Calorie Bikini Tip: Replace regular tonic water with diet tonic water. I use diet tonic water in my Gin & Tonic as well. I like it better than regular tonic water.
Surfer’s Sunrise
1-1/2 ounce Three Olives Vodka
1-1/2 ounce Orange Juice
1-1/2 ounce Pineapple Juice
Splash of Grenadine
Cherry Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add vodka and juices. Stir. Top with grenadine. Garnish with cherry. {photo courtesy of Three Olives Vodka representatives}
Summer Entertaining Tip: Multiply this recipe by 10 and add all the ingredients to a pitcher. Place fresh orange slices, pineapple slices and cherries in the pitcher. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Take the pitcher outdoors for summer entertaining. Serve over ice. Your friends will love it!
Pink Lemonade Shot
1 ounce Three Olives Vodka
1/2 ounce Cranberry Juice
1/2 ounce Sour Mix
Place all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake to chill. Strain into a shot glass. {photo courtesy of Three Olives Vodka representatives}
Long Lasting Tip: This is such an easy recipe to convert into a tall refreshing drink. Use 1-1/2 ounces Three Olives Vodka, 1-1/2 ounces Cranberry Juice Cocktail and 1-1/2 ounces Homemade Sour Mix. Pour the ingredients in a tall glass over ice and stir. Add a little more cranberry juice and less sour mix to your taste preference.

Bubble-O 7
2 ounces Three-O Bubble Vodka
4 ounces Lemon Lime Soda
Lime Wedge Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add ingredients in order given. Stir. Garnish with lime wedge.
Low Calorie Bikini Tip: Replace regular Lemon Lime Soda with Sprite Zero. It has zero calories and you will barely taste the difference between it and regular lemon lime soda.

Cherry Temple
1-1/2 ounce Three-O Cherry Vodka
4 ounce Ginger Ale
Splash of Grenadine
Cherry Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add vodka and ginger ale. Stir briefly. Top with grenadine. Garnish with cherry.
Itsy Bitsy Bikini Tip: Again, a lower calorie ginger ale in place of regular ginger ale will go a long way in making this drink low calorie. Ginger and cherry flavors go great together making this a beautiful and super refreshing for summer.
Grape Smash
2 ounces Three-O Grape Vodka
1/2 ounce Triple Sec
1/2 ounce Homemade Sour Mix
3 ounce Lemon Lime Soda
Lemon Wedge Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add vodka, triple sec and sour mix. Stir briefly. Top with lemon lime soda. Garnish with lemon wedge.
Entertaining Tip: Have a little fun when serving summer drinks. Place a pick of frozen purple grapes in this drink. Serve it with white and purple paper straws instead of regular straws.
2 ounces Three Olives Grape Vodka
4 ounces Grapefruit Juice
Splash of Grenadine
Lime Wedge Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add ingredients in the order given. Garnish with lime wedge. {photo courtesy of Three Olives Vodka representatives}
Make It Homemade: Use fresh squeezed pink or ruby red grapefruit juice in this drink for real homemade fresh taste in this drink. It will be worth the effort!
LA Iced Tea
2 ounces Three-O Grape Vodka
4 ounces Sweetened Iced Tea
Lemon Wedge Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add ingredients in the order given. Garnish with a lemon wedge.
Low Calorie Bikini Tip: Use unsweetened tea to make this drink. Use any sugar free sweetener you prefer to sweeten the drink to your preference. Or use a sugar free syrup such as Torani or DaVinci sugar free sweetener. Both can be found on the coffee aisle at your local grocery store.
Greek Goddess
2 ounces Three Olives Pomegranate Vodka
4 ounces Lemon Lime Soda
Lemon Wedge Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add vodka and top with lemon lime soda. Garnish with lemon wedge. {photo courtesy of Three Olives Vodka representatives}
Bikini Goddess Status Tip: Ditch the high calorie lemon lime soda for Sprite Zero and you’ll have a winning low calorie drink here.
Mango Tango
2 ounces Three Olives Mango Vodka
1-1/2 ounces Coconut Rum
2 ounces Pineapple Juice
1 ounce Cranberry Juice Cocktail
Lemon Wedge Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add liquid ingredients in order given. Stir briefly. Garnish with lemon wedge.
Summer Entertaining Tip: Multiply this recipe by 10 and add all the ingredients to a pitcher. Place fresh pineapple slices in the pitcher. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Add frozen cranberries to the pitcher just before serving. Serve over ice. Keep the music playing and those dance moves handy to keep that girlish figure bikini ready!
South Beach Tea
2 ounces Three Olives Mango Vodka
4 ounces Sweetened Iced Tea
2 ounces Lemon Lime Soda
Lemon Wedge Garnish
Place ice in a tall glass. Add liquid ingredients in order given. Stir briefly. Garnish with lemon wedge. {photo courtesy of Three Olives Vodka representatives}
Bikini Friendly Tip: Again, use unsweetened tea and Sprite Zero (or an equivalent sugar free lemon lime soda of your choice) in this drink. Both will significantly reduce the amount of sugar and calories. You can always add in a little bit of sugar free simple syrup or sugar free sweetener of your choice to taste preference. Another bubbly topper to consider is original flavor Fresca. The grapefruit flavor might really go nicely with the Three Olives Mango flavor. And Fresca is zero calories.
Three Olives website states, “All flavors of Three Olives Vodka contain between 60 – 70 calories, 2g carbs (2g sugar) and 0g fat per serving (1 oz). The Three Olives unflavored vodka has 66 calories, 0g carbs and 0g fat per serving. Three Olives Vodka is nut free, lactose free, and vegan, and has been processed to remove gluten. Only natural ingredients are used in our flavors, with the exception of watermelon, which contains a small amount of artificial flavoring. Please email us for more information at infor@proximospirits.com.” – http://www.threeolives.com/faq/
All recipes supplied by representatives of Three Olives Vodka. Some photos supplied by Three Olives representatives. Some photos are my own. All commentary, recipe variations and lower calorie recommendations are my own.
Original post written August 8, 2009 was updated March 3, 2014.
All content ©2014 Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist. All Rights Reserved. Chat with Cheri @Intoxicologist on Twitter and facebook.com/Intoxicologist or str8upcocktails@gmail.com