Always on the lookout for variations on traditional cocktails, Hangar 1 Kaffir Lime Vodka caught my eye for not only a classic styled tonic creation – but lower calorie version at that! The Hangar 1 Kaffir Lime claims notes of wood, white pepper and cucumber. My take is superior lime flavor with higher quality feel; or more bang for your low calorie drink buck so to speak. More flavor in the vodka means less need in the glass for those watching the waistline. Add in a wee bit of fresh lime, diet tonic and a magically delicious a low calorie, high quality drink awaits.
A Tale of Two Limes Low Calorie Drink Recipe

A Tale of Two Limes – recipe by Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist
1 ounce Hangar 1 Kaffir Lime Vodka
1/2 Fresh Lime – Squeezed
Diet Tonic Topper
Lime Wedge Garnish
Build over ice in a cocktail glass. Garnish with lime wedge.
All content ©2011 Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist. All Rights Reserved. Chat with Cheri @Intoxicologist on Twitter and or