Make party hosting easier for you and for guests. Print these easy to use Halloween cocktail recipe cards for your next party. Printable recipe cards are a great way to let guests know what cocktails are being served and what is in them. Place cards next to premade pitcher drinks or keep them on the bar with proper ingredients so they can make their own.
To download cocktail recipe cards; click on the card to enlarge to proper size. Right click. Save to your photo files. Personal use only please.
Cookie Monster
Devil’s Kiss
Red Death

September 2014
Find more Halloween themed shots and shooters recipes in my new eBook available on Kindle. 36 Halloween Shots & Shooters eBook offers 36 original, adapted and popular shot recipes perfect for scaring up a devilish Halloween party. A full color photo of the exact drink is included with every Halloween recipe.
Order your copy today!
All content ©2012 Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist. All Rights Reserved. Chat with Cheri @Intoxicologist on Twitter and or