Curse of the Screaming Druid

Curse of the Screaming Druid 010 photo copyright Cheri Loughlin

Tequila has garnered a bad reputation through the years. It is downed in ritualistic fashion with the traditional “lick, sip, suck” method or with mass produced frozen margaritas pulled from slurpie machines. People remember little of their taste experience with tequila, but tend to hang on to the memory of the horrendous hangover. Skip the ill effects of overindulging and enjoy the lighter, tastier side of tequila.

Catacombs of Paris

Catacombs of Paris photo copyright Cheri Loughlin

Absinthe has had its share of eerie earlier beginnings. In the early 1900’s, Jean Lanfray was convicted of murdering his wife and children while under the influence of liquor. Though he had consumed an excessive amount of wine, cognac and brandied coffees, it was the two glasses of Absinthe that created public outcry against this heinous crime leading to a petition to ban Absinthe in Switzerland.