Capezzana Barco Reale Di Carmignano lovely wine in the $15 range with light sweetness, hints of cherry and watermelon and spiced wood notesCapezzana Barco Reale di Carmignano D.O.C. grapes are harvested mid-September. Clusters of grapes are pressed and fermented, then macerated within a controlled temperature setting. Initial fermentation begins in stainless steel tanks. It is aged in Allier barrels for one year. Once bottled it rests for a minimum of three months prior to release.

Capezzana Barco Reale di Carmignano D.O.C. provided by brand representatives. All photos and opinions are my own unless otherwise stated.

Allier barrels are named from the wooded areas of France from which they are harvested. The topography of the land and the silica and clay nature of the soil cause the trees to grow tall rather than wide. This causes tightly-grained wood ideal for aging wine and brandy.

Read more about barrels here.

Capezzana Barco Reale di Carmignano D.O.C. Review

70% Sangiovese | 15% Cabernet | 10% Canaiolo | 5% Cabernet Franc

13.5% alcohol by volume | 37 proof | $15 price range

From the Tuscany, Italy Region

@tenutadicapezzana on Facebook |

Capezzana Barco Reale Di Carmignano lovely wine in the $15 range with light sweetness, hints of cherry and watermelon and spiced wood notesFirst Impressions: The label is authoritative and traditional. Information regarding the grape and vineyard is included on the label. This is designated as “dry red wine” on the back of the label so the consumer has an idea of the kind of wine they are choosing prior to tasting it.

The cork was extremely tight. It was also completely dry despite having been stored on its side in an effort to keep the cork damp. A regular corkscrew usually works fine to remove the most stubborn corks. This time I had to resort to using a rabbit style device to remove it. Some of the cork broke off into the bottle, so I fished a few bits out of my glass before decanting the whole thing. That is always a little disappointing, but that’s why we have wine tools!

Capezzana Barco Reale Di Carmignano lovely wine in the $15 range with light sweetness, hints of cherry and watermelon and spiced wood notesThe photo shows the rabbit style device used for removing the remaining cork. As you can see, it makes a very tiny hole in the end. Much better for removing tight corks. I don’t recall the brand of my rabbit wine opener, but type “rabbit wine opener” into Google or Amazon and lots of them will pop up.

Color: Ruby red with purple hues

Aroma: Red fruit, vanilla, a bit of oak, and subtle spice

Capezzana Barco Reale Di Carmignano lovely wine in the $15 range with light sweetness, hints of cherry and watermelon and spiced wood notesTaste: Lovely! The red fruit shows through with a bit of dry tanginess hanging on in the finish. There is also some dryness that reminds me of blackberry skin. There is dark cherry and a hint of watermelon on the nose as I sip. A touch of spice and oak round out the finish. It is just shy of bold and lush. This is slightly sweet, but not overly so.

Overall Impressions: I like it. There are plenty of fruit and wood notes. It leans more toward dry than sweet, but does contain just the right amount of sweetness. It is bold, but not overpowering.

I would pair this with a light appetizer, main course salad, or a side salad with crisp lettuce, dried cranberries, thin sliced red onion, and sunflower seeds.

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Cheri Loughlin is the Omaha writer and photographer behind Email Cheri with comments and questions at str8upcocktails at

Capezzana Barco Reale di Carmignano D.O.C. Review
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