Cocktails aren’t just about Pre-prohibition Era style drinks, molecular mixology, making our own signature bitters and who has bragging rights to the most expensive cocktail on the planet served with the largest sparkling gem in the well of the glass. Most often cocktails are purely for living in the moment. They are simplistic recipes for hectic days. Drink choices reveal a person’s mood, whimsical wants and ordinary needs. Cocktails are about pleasure, enjoyment and experiencing the moment.
So for a moment, let’s put the fun back into cocktails. Hide the vermouth, forget about fat washing, no waiting on infusions. Just pull out a couple of bottles, pour and enjoy. The ocean waits for you. Imagine the sound of waves splashing onto the sandy shore. Dip your feet into the water. Wriggle your toes in the sand. Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. Whimsical wants. That’s the beach life baby!
Groovy Red Rock Colada Cocktail Recipe

I LOVE the aroma in this cocktail! Photographing the Groovy Red Rock Colada was grueling. No exaggeration. I wanted to gulp it immediately, not take its picture. Its peachy coconut aroma kept wafting up taunting me.
The Groovy Red Rock Colada is peachy with subtle coconut. On a scale of 1 to 10 I’d say the sweetness factor is maybe a 5. Sweet, but it doesn’t go candy cocktail overboard. The balance is just right. The cocktail weighs in lightly. No heaviness here. Just fun. Nice layering of flavor. Coconut lingers a smidgen on the tongue.
Groovy Red Rock Colada – recipe by Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist
1 ounce Bacardi Peach Red Rum
1 ounce Bacardi Rock Coconut Rum
1-1/4 ounce Pineapple Juice
1/4 ounce Fresh Lime Juice
1/4 ounce Simple Syrup
Peach Slice Garnish
Combine Bacardi rums, pineapple juice, lime juice and simple syrup in cocktail shaker with ice. Shake to blend and chill. Strain into chilled martini glass. Garnish with peach slice.
Garnishing Tip

Why “waste” an entire fresh peach if you don’t plan on using it? Don’t skip the peach garnish. Purchase a bag of frozen unsweetened sliced peaches. Pull one frozen peach slice out of the bag before you gather your cocktail ingredients. Place the frozen peach slice on your prep cutting board or small plate as you assemble your cocktail. It will begin to thaw just slightly.
Pierce peach slice lengthwise with skewer just before shaking cocktail. Place skewered peach in chilled martini glass. Strain cocktail into martini glass over the peach slice garnish.
The peach slice is still partially frozen so it helps keep the cocktail cool while you sip. It finishes thawing while you sip. Nosh away! No wasted peaches here!
Add your comment: What garnishing tip do you use to keep fruit waste to a minimum?
All content ©2013 Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist. All Rights Reserved. Chat with Cheri @Intoxicologist on Twitter and facebook.com/Intoxicologist or str8upcocktails@gmail.com