Having a basic Simple Syrup recipe in your personal cocktail recipe folder is essential for every home bartender. The super easy {DIY} Simple Syrup recipe is less expensive than buying simple syrup. Simple Syrup only takes a few minutes to make from gathering ingredients to capping the finished product for storage. It would take you longer to go borrow a cup of sugar from your neighbor than it would take to make this super easy Simple Syrup recipe.
Simple Syrup Recipe

Simple Syrup
1 cup Granulated Sugar
1/2 cup Distilled Water
1 ounce Vodka – optional
Place granulated sugar and water in saucepan over low heat. Stir continuously. Heat until sugar is completely melted and mixture just begins to simmer. Remove from heat. Allow to cool. Add vodka as preservative if desired. Strain into glass bottle. Seal with lid. Refrigerate.

Simple Syrup Recipe Storage and Notes

I store my homemade simple syrup recipe batches in the refrigerator for two to three weeks. Simple syrup recipes that contain real fruit might need to be made in smaller batches as they have a shorter shelf life to remain fresh.
Distilled water is not entirely necessary in the Simple Syrup recipe. I use distilled water or bottled water depending on what I have in the pantry at the time. This way I know I am not getting any tap water additives or minerals in the Simple Syrup recipe mixture. I used tap water for a long time and honestly, I am not sure if it makes a huge difference.
Vodka is also used as a preservative in very small quantities to extend the shelf life of some homemade skin care products.

Once you have the basic Simple Syrup recipe committed to memory, flavored simple syrups are the next step to creative cocktail mixology.
Add your comment: What flavored Simple Syrup recipes would you recommend to others?
All content ©2013 Cheri Loughlin, The Intoxicologist. All Rights Reserved. Chat with Cheri @Intoxicologist on Twitter and facebook.com/Intoxicologist or str8upcocktails@gmail.com